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Cragside Primary School


I am delighted to welcome you to Cragside Primary School.

Cragside is a vibrant school full of energy and enthusiasm. 

We pride ourselves on having fantastic staff who deliver a superb curriculum to our wonderful children. We work hard to ensure that all of our children are nutured as well as inspired. 

(See Curriculum https://www.cragsideprimary.co.uk/Curriculum/curriculum/ for more details on what we teach and when we teach it) 

Cragside Primary School serves a community that is wonderfully diverse and we treasure being part of such a huge family.

I hope you are able to find all the information you need on our website but if you require any further information please call the school office on 0191 266 8389 and the office staff will do all they can to help.

I look forward to meeting you and your family.

Best wishes,

Rebecca Jackson




