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Cragside Primary School


We want our uniform to be as affordable as possible. Whilst many families choose to purchase some branded items this is not essential.

Our fantastic PTFA also sell pre-loved (second hand) uniform. The PTFA organise regular sales at school events such as family consultations. If you would like more information about the pre loved uniform please contact the school office who will be happy to help.

You can order branded items direct from our supplier Tots to Teams.  You can either order online or by visiting their shop.  Uniforms can be delivered to your home (for a small cost) or to school (free of charge).  The shop is based at the following address: -

Tots to Teams

Kingston Park

Newcastle Upon Tyne


Online orders - www.totstoteams.com 

Children at Cragside may wear our branded school uniform or an unbranded sweatshirt of a similar colour (see below)

Children in Year 6 may choose to wear a grey branded sweatshirt  or an unbranded sweatshirt of a similar colour 


Children may wear a white polo shirt. The shirt can be branded or unbranded

 Children may wear:

- Black or grey trousers/shorts/ skirts/cullottes/pinafore

- Black or navy school shoes (sandals are acceptable in summer).

- Blue gingham-type dresses during the summer

- Black or blue shoes

 Uniform Expectations for Autumn / Winter

During particularly poor winter weather many children do wear boots of all types to school. It is helpful if they can bring a pair of shoes to change into once they are in school.

Woollen tights may worn. Ideally they should be plain black, grey or navy.
