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Cragside Primary School

School Admissions

Starting School in Reception

Children start school at Cragside in the September of the school year in which their fifth birthday falls.

This means that their fifth birthday will fall during the period from 1st September to 31st August of their first year in school. Children attend the school for seven years, leaving at the end of the academic year in which their eleventh birthday falls.

The school follows the admission and transfer policies of Newcastle Upon Tyne Local Authority. If you wish to apply for a school place for your child you should  contact the school admissions department at Newcastle Local Authority the autumn before they are due to start.  We welcome visits to the school from parents and carers during October and November. School places are allocated by the Local Authority around Easter time.

The priority order for considering applications for a school place is children who:

  • Are looked after by the Local Authority
  • Already have an older sibling at the school
  • Have a particular medical need or disability
  • Live close to the school

Cragside Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for disabled pupils and we take all reasonable steps to make appropriate provision for such pupils. Further details are available in the school’s Disability Equality Scheme.

Once the allocation of school places has been confirmed we invite the parents and carers of our new starters into school for an evening to formally welcome them to the school. This usually happens in early June, and is also an opportunity to find out more about arrangements for starting school and to meet the staff who will be working most directly with the children. Following this there are a series of visits for the children in June and July so that they can begin to settle into school and gain the confidence to help them make a good start. In September all children attend for half days initially, building up to full days by the third week of term.

In Year Admissions

If you wish to move your child to Cragside either from within or outside of Newcastle you should contact the Local Authority Admissions Team in the first instance for guidance on how to proceed.

Contact Information

The School Admissions Team can be contacted in the following ways;

School Admissions Team
Newcastle Civic Centre
Barras Bridge
Newcastle upon Tyne

(0191) 2777428

Admissions Policy

To apply online for a school place please click here.

In-year transfer forms can be completed online by clicking on the above link or by completing this form.

